East Side Quilters

Southern Rensselaer County Quilters now meeting in Nassau, New York

Quilting Together for 30 Years in 2022!

General Information

As of February, 2022, East Side Quilters gather year round at the Grace United Methodist Church, Route 20, Nassau, NY.  Our meetings are open to everyone who is interested in quilts and quilting.

 Our regular monthly meetings begin at 6 p.m. and visitors are always welcome.

Our regular business meeting is held on the third Wednesday night each month. Besides general business, we have show-and-tell for members and visitors, block-of-the-month (see Miscellaneous below), and sometimes block exchanges or short programs. Occasionally we have speakers at these meetings. Check the Schedule link in the menu for exact dates and a bit more information about our meetings.

If you're a member who needs help pinning a quilt or wants advice or instruction, post on the email list, ask for members to stay after a business meeting, or come to the Ladies of Leisure (LOL) get-togethers on Wednesdays*. LOL provides an opportunity to bring your own work, including problems or questions you might have about a current quilt project. We might be working on our raffle quilt, or on "care" quilts for selected charities. Even when we have a group project scheduled, you are welcome to bring your own projects.

* LOL meets every Wednesday, 9-3, at Grace United Methodist in Nassau (barring quilt retreats or major holidays).

Membership and Dues

Our membership year starts in January and dues are currently $25.

We have an average of 60 members who are a pretty active and very friendly group. East Side has a nice year-round program including show-and-tell and a block-of-the-month, which gives everyone a chance to participate and learn. We schedule workshops periodically throughout the year. These are often held on Saturdays.

Guests are welcome for free for the first visit, but may not participate in drawings or take care quilt kits to finish.

Learn About Our Group Projects

Quilt-In Days

In March, sometime around National Quilting Day, East Side holds their annual "Quilt-In." During this event, we get together with our sewing machines and supplies, plus a lot of donated fabric, to make quilt tops which eventually become care quilts donated to local service organizations. This dedicated two-day event (Friday and Saturday) is a great getaway for great causes. You can bring some munchies, a favorite quick pattern and even a sewing buddy if you want. People often team up to make quilts. Come for half a day or all day! Everyone has a good time and we make LOTS of quilt tops. Quilt tops are brought back to LOL and/or other meetings and are machine quilted or tied and finished over the course of the year.  In recent years we've added Cabin Fever weekends in other months as well. 

In the past we have donated quilts to various Rensselaer County shelters, Ronald McDonald House, Hospice and Head Start of Rensselaer County. Recent recipients include the Troy YWCA, Joseph's House, and St Paul's in Rensselaer. At times organizations or community groups have approached us seeking a quilt for a special cause or fund raising need and we are usually able to fulfill the need.

Raffle Quilt

Each year we make a quilt which is typically machine quilted by our members. After choosing a pattern, we make the required blocks and work at assembling this quilt. Sometimes a member will donate a top to complete for the raffle. Everyone is encouraged to work on this quilt — it's a great way to learn ALL of the stages of making a quilt. If you're uncertain about something, get involved and ask questions. East Side Quilters will have a drawing for the latest raffle quilt in December.

Thanks to everyone who worked on last year's raffle quilt and everyone who sold tickets. Learn more about our Raffle Quilts here.

Holiday Projects

In the fall, we often organize quilting days to create items for donation, such as placemats for Meals on Wheels, fleece winter hats donated to a local elementary school, Christmas stockings for a local shelter, or cloth tote bags for those in shelters who arrive with little more than the clothes they are wearing.


Care Quilt "stash"

Grace United Methodist Church is very supportive of East Side’s efforts. In addition to the large banquet tables for tying and basting, they have provided space for us to keep the donated fabric and other supplies for quiltmaking. The guild has: a big board ironing surface; regular ironing boards; irons; battings (Warm & Natural cotton and polyester); tying and pin-basting supplies; risers for the banquet tables; and a basic sewing machine. We do ask that, if you use the supplies from the guild’s stash to make a quilt, the results be donated back to our Care Quilts endeavor.

Block of the Month (BOM)

A block pattern with or without accompanying fabrics may be distributed at our business meetings. If you complete the block and turn it in, your name goes into the draw to win all of the blocks completed from that pattern and turned in. BOM is a good way to try a new technique without a big investment of time or money. We do ask that you check and re-check your seams to make sure the block is the proper size before handing it in!

FQ Raffle

Members can take part in a fat quarter (FQ = fabric cut to approx. 18x22") raffle at our business meetings, based on a theme chosen the month before. Watch each month's minutes for an announcement of the theme; you can also check the calendar for a reminder. Any member who brings in a fat quarter of the theme fabric will add their name to the hat; one name will win all the FQs.

Bash the Stash!

Our Bash the Stash day (formerly Quilt 'til you wilt) takes place in August, when we work on our own quilting projects or care quilts and enjoy the companionship of other quilters. Check the schedule for exact date.

Cabin Fever Days/Weekends

In January and February (and sometimes other months if the calendar has openings!) we try to schedule weekends to get out of the house and sew with friends!  Check the Schedule for cabin fever weekend dates.  In March we celebrate National Quilting Day (third Saturday) with a Quilt-in weekend dedicated to work on Care Quilts.

Though we talk a lot about care quilts, the guild also inspires and encourages quilters to work on quilts for family and friends, loved ones, and themselves!